Aktiv Guld

Course in Electroplating Technology

Aktiv Guld invites you to an exciting 1-day course in electroplating technology, where you will receive a thorough introduction to the entire electroplating process. This course is for you that wish to gain more knowledge about galvanic processes.

What can you learn in the course?

In the course, you will gain both practical and theoretical understanding of the entire electroplating process. We will cover the different steps in the process, from preparation to the final finish. There will also be plenty of opportunities for questions throughout the day and as a final point.


  • Safety: When working with electroplating, there are several safety rules that are important to know. We start by reviewing these rules.
  • Equipment: We will then go through the various types of equipment used in the process.
  • Pre-treatment: Next, we look at preparing items for electroplating, including ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Electroplating: We cover processes such as rhodium-, gold- and silverplating.
  • Post-treatment: We learn about the importance of tarnish protection to achieve durable results.
  • Questions and Answers: The course concludes with a Q&A session where you can get answers to all your questions.


Florian Janus,
Jentner Plating Technology


Aktiv Guld
Vallensbækvej 46
2625 Vallensbæk


No date set.


8:15 AM - 3:30 PM



Number of participants

Max 10 people




Call us at: 43 66 20 00 or send an email to ag@aktivguld.com to be placed on the waiting list. Once you're on the waiting list, you will be notified directly in your inbox when new dates are available.